Mini spotlight on Observatory Gardens W8

Recently we had the pleasure of showing some clients a property in the wonderful Observatory Gardens, W8.  If you haven’t come across this development before, it’s a brilliant example of keeping heritage alive, while providing the best contemporary living accommodation and facilities that money can buy!

Originally part of the 18C Phillimore Estate and the family home of the Phillimores, the property was sold to keen astronomer and rather tricky character, Sir James South in 1827. 

He renamed his new home Observatory House and built an observatory in the garden, commissioning none other than Isambard Kingdom Brunel to build the dome to house what was then the largest telescope in the world. 

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Unfortunately the project did not end well with South unhappy with the work, ultimately destroying everything and suing everyone involved, but the the huge telescopic lens survived and has since been housed at Trinity College, Dublin. 

After South’s death, the building was bought by South Kensington builder, Thomas Cawley, who started building in the 1880s, but whose own plans also got into difficulty and after several of his contractors filed for bankruptcy, Thomas was forced to complete construction himself.  

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As was the style at the time, the buildings are in the red brick with painted stone and cement detailing.  While today’s building looks like its beautiful original from the outside, following WW2 bombing and dilapidation in the 20th century, everything behind the facade was demolished, with new, luxurious and modern apartments built on the site.

The redevelopment was carried out by Northacre, who were behind (pun intended) many other high profile schemes such as Earls Terrace, The Bromptons, The Lancasters and currently 1 Palace Street and New Scotland Yard.  

The rooms in the top floor apartments feature interesting circular “oeil de boeuf” or “ox eye” dormer windows (part of the original design of the 19C apartments) giving it a distinctly Parisian feel and making this one of the most recognisable rooftops in the area.

These fabulous apartments have been very popular with domestic and overseas buyers ever since and are known for their top concierge service and first class amenities. 

For more information on Observatory Gardens, go to